2022 – the year.

It was a very difficult year for me 

He started dating someone else  

I died and slept for 6months 

I became a content creator 

I started having photoshoots

I worked very hard to put everything together 

To put it together perfectly 

I did another side project 

I did not do / add on anything academic/irrelevant to the CV 

I planned my birthday 

I wanted it to go perfectly 

I looked at everybody’s convienience, timings, location, dates, days, etc 

And I chose my birthday 

10 people were invited , 7 showed up. 

They enjoyed. 

I could afford the bill 

The bill was a drama 

Had a party later

Came home 

Prepared to leave 

Left Mumbai 

Came to Delhi 

Lived in a hostel 

What is a hostel? 

How do you wash clothes ? 

How do you keep things clean? 

What do you drink? 

What do you eat? 

Do you like this food ? 

Look around you 

Look at the people around you 

Look at the adults around you 

Look at the problems around you 

Then look at the place around you

Look at Delhi

Look at how far it is 

Look at Gurgaon 

Look at Delhi 

Look at how much I am spending 

Look at how much my money is going

It worried me 

Look at the college 

Look at the teachers 

Look at the people around you

They are not my friends 

Look at the classrooms 

Look at everhthing around you 

Look at the subjects  

Look at the fact that you have to come here everyday

Look at the fact that you have to stay here till 6pm , 5.30 

Initially it was 3.30 , then they made it 5.30. 

Look at the fact that you have to eat everyday 

You have to drink water

You have to eat properly so that you have energy 

There were assignments to be submitted 

I was scared of them 

I didnt want to be so dumb

I wanted them to like me 

I am likeable 

I am good 

I am smart 

I could do this very easily

I chose this afterall 

I have never felt dumb, out of place, I want to do that and I am not able to

Why can people around me ? 

Why are all of them better than me ? 

How do you know that? 

Why did you come prepared ?

Why didn’t I? 

People have come all this and come  

Then there were health issues 

Some trips 

I am not able to do it 

Then we came back 

Then there were exams 

I cant 

I just cant 

There were mosquitoes 

There was the mattress 

There was no food 

There was no AC 

There was no fan 

There was no 

You are not my friend

You only care about yourself 

Mera bhi exam hai

Why cant I study? 

There were exams 

I had to get up the next day

There were 2 papers per day 

I had to have energy 

There were exams everyday

2 papers per day 

I had to be well rested before each paper 

I had to revise 

I had to know

I had to be satisfied after every paper 

I dont like any of it 

I want to cry 

I am unwanted here 

I feel so disgusted 

So small 

So broken

So put in a box 

I cant 

And then it got over 

I was looking to move out 

I was looking 

It was an immediate decision 

I didnt waste time  

There was some procedure to be followed and as usual they were annoying and I genuinely genuinely genuinely dont give a fuck about you 

I took the call and came to this PG 

I found stable ground 

 * I loved the location *

The location was prime 

I remember looking at this, making this turn and I am like , its here?? Its a prime location 

I will be hardworking here 

I will grow here

I will be myself here 

I wont suffocate

I wont feel like running away 

I wont move on the next thing where I am settling (apparently settling) 

I immediately finalised it and moved before Sunday

I finalised it on Friday

Came here before Sunday 

Paid everything quickly 

Moved here

Set the whole place up 

( I did it on my own ) 

I had no help 

I packed everything 

It took 3 trips  

The mirror was left 

I went and just got it here

And got it put up here 

I fucking need my mirror here 

Its my mirror, I will put it up here


The fucking attendance 

I. Dont. Care 

Then , we studied 

Finally, I am smart 



I can feel things

I am aware 

I can absorb my surroundings 

My mind can take the information in 


This is what is happening 

And each day I felt more and more myself 

I loved walking

 * I loved living here * 

I went around 

I am just more me , more aware, I talk to people? I interacted 

They kind of respected me a little bit?? 

I dont see idk?? that weird thing in their eyes 

I am normal 

I started eating

I started sleeping a lot 

I started living alone

And I have never felt ‘alone’ 

I loved my music, I loved my clothes, I loved everything around me 

I was not scared of sleeping alone

I was not scared of the dark

I put on a night lamp 

And I slept 

My health bothers me 

I am not gaining weight 

Will I gain weight as time progresses ? 

Will I have sufficient food in me ? – no 

What will I do with my weight? 

How can I gain it back? 

Will I ever be the right weight ? 

The eclipse hit hard 

I got fever 

I died – not necessary 

My periods are disturbed – never happens 

I did not shift to a flat 

I did not shift to M2 

I did not move out of here 

In 15,000 I got a good room, AC, Wifi, geyser, beds, TV, smart TV, good workers(??) carpenters, plumber, electrician, etc , the food, good cooperation, availability, 

Water and electricity, its really nice 

The terrace 

The piche ka part

The market view 

The sunset 

The idea that I sit there, view the market, and drank my Coolberg 

There were so many trips this year

Goa in February 


Manesar  not delhi, not gurgaon, its manesar

Village which is unnecessarily and so expensive 

Its a scam. 

I came with the intention of being in Delhi, a city life, I am born and brought up in Mumbai , why did I choose Delhi? Why did I choose a Tier 1 city and not Jamshedpur or Pune or Hyderabad? 

Anything else but Delhi 

I was told Gurgaon is litt 

Its the most developed area 

And its not even Gurgaon

Its Manesar

I am spending money here

Everything is expensve here

Everything they get from outside to supply here 

Everything is 4x expensive  

Which is not fair because I didnt choose this 

I didnt choose Manesar

I chose a city life 

I am used to living a city life 

The hostel problems 

Everything was a problem 

Everything was going wrong 

Which wasnt anticipated at all 











Then that Kyameraa thing happened 

I did not post photos 

I saved a tonn of money and removed someone out of my life who tried to manipulate me into paying for him

I decided to completely remove someone who will do it again if I let it slide this time 

And its not about money or how much it is (which is a lot) but the fact that he has probably done it before, and will do it again, in other ways, new ways, if I allow it to happen this time 

Then the main problem

Content creating ? 




My profile 

The portfolio building

New artists 

Me, my face, my beauty, ME 

What I am creating, what I love to put out there

I love looking at myself 

What I want it to be like

New ideas 

Nothing new was done

I was consistent with the themes 

I was consistent with how I started it

With the blocks, with the themes , with each shoot covered so that you can scrolled down and the profile aesthetic is maintained 

Then I am about to hit 10k 

I want to spend less money 

I stopped travelling 

I want to rest

The experiences have been so bad

That I have stopped 

And want to stay at home

And genuinely start liking to rest 

Watch netflix more 

Read more

Listen to music , watch movies 

Read, write, feel, paint, tarot, spirituality 

I have lost touch 

Wht have I done? 






Being happy

Clothes lots of clothes


Lots of outfits


Going to college everyday 


New place to go to 

Where to go?? 

No new movie ?  No new destination? 

No new hobby 




Sleeping (beauty sleep. 11pm bedtime. 7am wake up time) 

What have I actually been doing in my free time ? 


Out loud 

To everyone around here 

My body is resting

I am at home 

But my free time goes in talking to people

About very deep emotions 

About some past people 

Some present people 

Some memories 

Some incidences

Everything that I have gone through 

Or going through sometimes 

Still going round and round in whatever happened 

Bought a heater

I have actually managed to get through the Delhi winter

And its not bad

I am in 3 layers of clothes 

But I forget that its winter

I forget that its cold

There is a heater and I forget its cold 

I bought a heater and its really nice 

The heater. The colour. I need that in my life. More red. More orange. My yellow. My fire. My flame. My chrome yellow. My idk 

Warm. We need love. We need hugs. We need acceptance. We need compassion. We need more togetherness. We need more brotherhood. We need more team spirit. We need more within. We need more inside. 

We need more love. And we need more hear

The year is over and I am done

the whole thing is let go of

and I am done

i am just so fucking done

i have given my everything

and I am just done


And I am just looking at it

yeh hogaya hai

sab khatam

my goodness its over

its DONE

and I am just looking at it

I am not ready to turn around and look at the new year

mujhe nai karna yeh

this is a tsunami

and I am under

chal jayega

i didnt put any effort at least

and i didnt go towards it

i have no fucks to give

be around

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